MUSICAL COLOR: Destreza sonora para saxofón
José Luis Garcia / discovery, youth and education
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Two exhibitions: one pedagogic for teachers and one practical for students saxophonists. Presentation of the first book in the series “MUSICAL COLOR: Sound Dexterity
for Saxophone ». As part of the Today’s beginner saxophonist: Towards a new pedagogy seminar.
José Luis García (ARTSYNTAX) Saxophonist, composer, sound engineer, improviser and teacher trained in Spain, Bordeaux and Liège with Marie Bernadette Charrier, in free improvisation with Ettiene Rolin and Garret List. It would be perfected in classical interpretation with clarinetist and saxophonist Philippe Leblanc, Michel Fourgon musical composition and electronic music with Patric Lenfant. He ends his technical training in RNE Cordoba with Manuel Prieto and Vanessa Okretic, and RNE Rafael Martos Jaen.
More informations
Two exhibitions: one pedagogic for teachers and one practical for students saxophonists. Presentation of the first book in the series “MUSICAL COLOR: Sound Dexterity
for Saxophone ».
12/07/2015 09:00 - 12:00
Cité de la musique et de la danse - Salle 30
Musicians / speakers
- García Jiménez ARTSYNTAX SL José Luís / saxofón (Spain)