Minho Saxophone Orchestra
OSAX / classical, contemporary
OSAX, under the direction of António Luis Ribeiro, is a chamber music orchestra which aims to explore the richness of the saxophone’s sound in a wide historical range of repertoire.
OSAX (Saxophone Orchestra), under António Luis Ribeiro’s musical orientation, it is a
chamber music orchestra composed by 13 saxophone players (professional musicians or
under graduation studies). This group began their work in 2013, with the main objective of
exploring the richness of the saxophone’s sound in a wide historical range of repertoire. It
has presented itself with excellence in concerts (in Paço dos Duques, in Guimarães, for
example) and national and international saxophone festivals, such as “SaxoPorto”
International Saxophone Festival, Palmela’s International Saxophone Festival (“FISP”),
and has also recorded a live concert for the national portuguese radio “Antena 2″.
More informations
This group pretend, with the main objective of exploring the richness of the saxophone’s sound in a wide historical range of repertoire.
This participation promote the saxophone ensemble music, In this event we pretend present portuguese saxophone ensemble music.
OSAX (Saxophone Orchestra), under António Luis Ribeiro’s musical orientation, it is a chamber music orchestra composed by 13 saxophone players (professional musicians or under graduation studies). This group began their work in 2012, with the main objective of exploring the richness of the saxophone’s sound in a wide historical range of repertoire. It
has presented itself with excellence in concerts (in Paço dos Duques, in Guimarães, for example) and national and international saxophone festivals, such as “SaxoPorto” International Saxophone Festival, Palmela’s International Saxophone Festival (“FISP”), and has also recorded a live concert for the national portuguese radio “Antena 2″