Duo migrateur (saxophone & accordéon)
JP. Baraglioli & A. Millet / contemporary, crossover
A contemporary ball : creations around the mambo, tango and twist , as well as rock proposed by the composers Sylvain Kassap, Thomas Gubitsch ,Thierry Escaich and Laurence Huck.
Every time pleasure and curiosity are the way of our duo with a very quiet and good fortune for the pleasure of all the audiences.
More informations
contemporary ball, creations around the ball music with a new visions about this dances, revisited and recreated with light mood,humour,curiosity, expression and virtuosity like during a ball in saturday night
11/07/2015 13:30 - 14:00
Cité de la musique et de la danse - Salle d'Orgue (29)
Musicians / speakers
- baraglioli jean pierre / saxophone (France)
- Millet anthony / accordéon (France)
- rock (thomas gubitsh) / World Premiere
- twist (sylvain kassap)
- bibo mambo (laurence huc)
- tango virtuoso (thierry escaich)