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Miradas Cruzadas - Duo / contemporary, discovery

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Miradas Cruzadas presents extracts of its show, which repertoire is based on references to popular practises and cultures, enriched for SaxOpen with two world premieres by B. Giner and M. Proscia.

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Miradas Cruzadas is a duo of young saxophonists, Andrés Castellani (Argentina) and Olivier Duverger (France), brought together in Strasbourg by the music of today. Two visions, two paths, two different origins crossing with the aim to reveal the richness of the saxophone and the new light today’s composers shine on the instrument.
Considering music as an expression of the culture of a people, a region, a country or a continent, they strive to bring a new perspective to contemporary music, enhanced by their differences and their dynamic personalities. To enable the public to discover contemporary music, this young duo creates a poetic “Crossed Glance” between popular and contemporary music.

More informations

What importance do traditions and popular cultures have today in our modern lives ? What place do rituals have in a world where everything goes faster, where we don’t take the time to think about ourselves ? To know our origins helps us to know who we are today and which way to take for our future. Music and rituals have been interconnected since the beginning of humanity. These issues are inherent to our research. We wish not to answer in a solely affirmative way, but to offer clues to a reflexion, through a repertoire exploring them.
We have selected several pieces from the contemporary saxophone repertoire, in addition to working with young composers to develop this repertoire, always with the aim of blending popular and contemporary music. The pieces we have selected each have a strong identity, drawn from the roots of the cultures of the composers.
Through staging and lighting, with the assistance of director Marco Locci, we wish to enrich our musical discourse and give it a different resonance beyond pure music. By blending the senses, we seek to offer the spectator a global experience: an immersion into our artistic universe. Our goal is to inspire an identity to the spectator and allow him to escape and reflect on his roots.

From September 2014, we were wishing to enrich again our repertoire and so made two new commissions to Martin Proscia (Argentina) and Bruno Giner (France), which will be premiered at SaxOpen.

Through musical analysis and a poetic vision, Miradas Cruzadas strives to provide fair interpretations of every piece, magnified by the staging and the thread of the performance.
In addition to being performed in Argentina, Spain, Italy and France, this show was selected to be performed at the ELIA festival NEU/NOW in Amsterdam, in September 2015.


09/07/2015 16:30 - 17:00

Cité de la musique et de la danse - Salle 19

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Musicians / speakers

  • Duverger Olivier (France)
  • Castellani Andrés (France)


  • DIY (Do It Yourself) (Bruno Giner) / World Premiere
  • Karate (Alex Mincek)
  • Epilogo a un Eclipse de Luna (Martin Proscia) / World premiere





Captura de pantalla 2015-07-08 a las 11.23.29


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